Is Austina suitable place to raise a Family? Moving from Irvine, CA?
2006-04-20 08:54:16 UTC
Is Austina suitable place to raise a Family? Moving from Irvine, CA?
Six answers:
2006-04-20 12:45:32 UTC
I has been in Austin for about a year now and have three children (boys ages 2, 4 & 6). We moved here from Jacksonville, FL and have loved the move. The cost of housing allows you to get a lot bigger home for the money (though one of the highest housing costs in TX but less than east or west coast by far) or put that money to use for other things. The education varies from area to area. For the most part, the better schools are on the west side of I-35. If you have a choose as to the location to live in Austin, then I would look at living just south of Austin in a Sub called Buda, TX. This is just across the county line in Hays Co. and has some of the highest rated schools in the entire state. I don't live there now, but have spent the year I have been here researching and I will be moving in that direction this summer to get my kids in those schools. As far as fun for the kids, well, Austin and Central Texas has everything. Sports programs are fantastic the parks system is very nice. Austin is within an hour from Sea World, Six Flags, Schitterbaun (world's largest water park), College and Pro sports teams, Lakes, Caves, and white water rafting. I am telling you... you can always find something to do. If you are worried about crime and violence... not much to worry about really. All big cities will have some but Austin is low for such a large population. I think were rate 3rd lowest violent crime per capita in the country.

Bottom Line: Fantastic Place to Raise a Family.
2006-04-25 08:50:21 UTC
Very much so and very similar to Southern California style, schools and lifestyle- minus the beach, pollution and traffic.

I am a native Southern Californian, grew up in Laguna and came to college at Texas in the early 90's and stayed ever since.

A majority of the people moving to Austin are from both Northern and Southern Cal.
2006-04-20 13:15:00 UTC
Yes. My mom is a realtor and she relocates people living from California and investors to Austin, Tx. If you would like to contact her, her e-mail address is

She's had quite a few clients and makes most of her money from Californian clients. You get more money's worth in austin for houses. The Best schools to go to are Westlake or Westwood.
2006-04-21 17:28:12 UTC
look, i was born here. im nearly priced out by the exodus of yall comin here. you think austin is cool now? you shoulda seen it up to early 90s. it was such a nice place. was... oh, and thanks for all the new laws.
2006-04-21 14:16:50 UTC
I lived there for two years and boy Do I miss it!!!

Its awesome!!!!
2006-04-25 14:50:24 UTC
One word "Westlake". (Austin sub-division)

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