where can i find discounts for long term Stay hotels?
2006-02-06 08:48:35 UTC
Intown suites, Sun suites, etc
Three answers:
2006-03-08 10:16:06 UTC
It appears that the question period has expired. If an answer has been given that meets your needs, please pick a 'best answer'. Regards
2016-05-20 16:53:44 UTC
The Northern or Isaan Thailand will comprise many provinces and each will have its own peculiarities. What is cheap in one province may not be in the other. Same goes for hotel stay. It may be expensive in Chiangmai, but could have been cheap if you are say, in Mahasarakham. On the whole, if you are planning to retire to Thailand, then it is best to find a province which will suit you. Some places can be more modern and more comfortable for you. And what kind of lifestyle do you want to experience. Each province is again, different from the other. So it might be best if you can read up on the provinces and then narrow your search. It should not be difficult to find a place to stay, and even renting an apartment might give you more leeway than in a hotel. Like any thing, there are always 2 sides to the coin. You will have to know both sides and come to a decision yourself. I guess you will not get the best of advice here. So better for you to read up and on what place can meet your expectation first.
2006-02-09 06:42:41 UTC
in a houston motel called motel 6 i can hook you up because i am the boss of a hotel in houston

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